In his book of spiritual exercises, Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the Superior General of the Jesuits, tells the story of a staretz, or spiritual advisor of the Eastern Church, who yearned “to begin the Our Father with the last verse, so that one might become worthy to finish the prayer with the initial words – ‘Our Father’.” In this way, the staretz explained, we would be following the path to Easter. “We begin in the desert with the temptation, we return to Egypt, then we travel the path of the Exodus, through the stations of forgiveness and God’s manna, and by God’s will, we attain the promised land, the kingdom of God, where he communicates to us the mystery of his name: ‘Our Father’ “
Dear Lord
(Excerpt from Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI Pg 135, quoting Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. Der osterliche Weg. Exerzitien zur Lebenserneuerung Herder, Freiburg, 1988, pp63-104)