The Elusive Velvet Curtain

I have stopped trying to get a grip on focusing on the delicate petals of this beautiful flower of the Duranta erecta or golden dewdrop. You try to pin down that sliver of tissue so delicate that it defies revelation and definition. And you wish that its magnification will somehow transform it into a startling,…

Nature’s Way

In the end, I had to admit that nature will reveal its beauty as it dictates. Man can only do so much to try to unveil its inner beauty, and the use of glass and sensors, however polished or pixelated, can only convey a sense of its splendour but not replicate it. I had spent…

As Dusk Beckons

As dusk beckons, the macroscopic view of life in the garden reveals not just the beauty but the beasts; the fragile and the stoic, delicate shards of the spider lily petals, pubescent bauhinia leaflets, and roses like soldiers at the end of their mission, must surely shed their armour, and reveal their inner hearts, for…

The Ants

The Ants came and we strived to annihilate them – they were in the way of everything, and once they came, they were relentless. Getting rid of ants takes more science than guile. Amidst the quiet lives of humans, the ants come and go, their highway is filled with the traffic of busy workers doing…

The Sunbird and the Heliconia Rostrata

This is another Sunbird, a luscious colourful, almost shimmering male,  unhurried between nectar-hunting, in regal serenity as it pauses……. “EMILY: “Does anyone ever realize life while they live it…every, every minute?” STAGE MANAGER: “No. Saints and poets maybe…they do some.” Thornton Wilder, Our Town (Lumix GX85 M.Zuiko 40-150 mm) Jan 2018