The Gifts of Faith, Hope and Love

Pentecost and the Gifts of Faith, Hope and Love  Dr Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004), the noted author of the ground-breaking work, On Death and Dying (1969), once wrote in her memoir (The Wheel of Life, 1997), “the only thing I know that truly heals people is unconditional love”. Pentecost Sunday marks the end of the Easter…

Serenity and the Spirit

The readings at Easter always throws us back to a time when the Church was new, and reflecting on the accounts in the Acts of the Apostles, we imagine ourselves in the place of the followers (or apostles!), wondering if we too, could stand up to the challenges of being early adopters of the faith.…

Absolutism and Relativism

In times of uncertainty, people look to a solid and stable anchor to underpin their underlying values and principles. This search for something that is incontrovertible and unshakeable is a concept at the centre of the debate between absolutism and relativism. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the unique relationship of the Father and…

Of Sheep and Wolves

Would you rather be a wise shepherd leading a flock of docile sheep, or be the wily leader of a band of hungry wolves? Not infrequently, this module on leadership in business school or executive training, walks participants through the pros and cons of two team-leader role-models. As the discussion and classroom scenarios play themselves…

The Road To Emmaus (And Back)

There is something deeply attractive about the narrative of the two disciples who encountered the Risen Christ and walked with him from Jerusalem to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Countless artists have painted the Road to Emmaus, often bathe in a shade of gold as the day draws to a close, when dusk beckons, the silhouettes lengthen,…