This is a Sunday where the divine and the merciful meet. Consider reflecting on the Last Testament and Will of St Pope John Paul II, first written in 1979, and edited on various anniversaries of spiritual exercises, as his Petrine ministry raced towards the Third Millennium. He recalled the wisdom of his mentor Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (“The task of the new pope will be to introduce the Church into the Third Millennium”), and his plead for God’s mercy and release in His time, as his health declines. The last dated entry was written in 2000, five years before his death on the Vigil(Eve) of Divine Mercy Sunday, 2005.
Or savor the uplifting launch of the documentary Summer in the Forest, featuring the work of Jean Vanier, founder of the L-Arche communities for the intellectually disabled.
(Lumix G85, M Zuiko 75-300mm)