Complex & Simple

The Disciples who were Naysayers

Throughout Jesus’ journey during the Holy Week into Jerusalem, Jesus interacted with his disciplines who were naysayers because they could not or would not go the extra mile with the Lord for his cause. Recall that the term “extra mile” was itself a literary gem from the Messiah Himself: If anyone forces you to go…

The Temptations of Jesus

Jesus was tempted in the desert at the start of his 3-year ministry. The mystery of God’s relationship with men and women, as we grapple with our existence and purpose in this world is experienced by Jesus in the first retreat in the desert. However, as Jesus is not man but the Son of God,…

“What is Truth?”

Let’s be wary of false prophets, in these troubled times, when the forces of good versus evil are in constant play. Indeed it was Jesus who declared to Pontius Pilate during his trial at Jerusalem that  “my kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of the world, my servants would fight, that…

Paradoxology 3

As He was praying alone, the disciples were with Him (Lk 9:18). This passage is cited in Pope Benedict’s book, Jesus of Nazareth (the first of the Trilogies) as a “deliberate paradox”. He writes that “the disciples are drawn into his solitude, his communion with the Father that is reserved to him alone. They are…