Complex & Simple


Pope Francis’s predecessor, Benedict XVI, was eloquent on the value of silence: “In silence, we are better able to listen to and understand ourselves; ideas come to birth and acquire depth; we understand with greater clarity what it is we want to say and what we expect from others; and we choose how to express…

Bauhinia Rhapsody III

(Week 6) The mysterious miracle of growth and fruitfulness Another two weeks has passed. Now, there are these giant steps towards starting up the self-sustaining chlorophyll engine. This parable from today Missal, the Gospel of Mark 4:26-34 is so apt “With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use…

Bauhinia Rhapsody II

(Week 4) Another two weeks has passed. The shoots are now proliferating in droves. Already, the first strand of a spider’s web has spun across the fledgling shoots, seemingly unaware of how short-lived the structures will be…… But Life does find a way. Elsewhere in the garden, a rare pink variant of the Peacock Flower…

Nighthawk versus Nightlife

Edward Hopper (1882-1967) was the artist of the gloominess of American urbanization – Here, arguably his most famous painting, Nighthawks (1942), is counter-posed by the African-American artist, Archibald J Motley Jr’s (1891-1981), Nightlife (1943) depicting the rich dynamic culture of the dance halls in the Chicago South side. At the Chicago Art Institute.  

On Pain and Suffering

“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” ― C.S. Lewis Lewis’ quote incite in us the strength of God’s voice in the different moments of our life situations. Simplistically, the converse…

What the young ones said when the welcome ceremonies have ended and the regimentation sets in at the end of the first day of NS

“They will rob you of your identity”

“The memory of the time between lunch and this (evening) has been suppressed”

Merdeka! Reflections on the Padang

“Merdeka! Reflections on the Padang.  Time-stamp: 0541 hr, 27th March 2015 “Merdeka!” the rap guttural urgent cry of post-independent Mr Lee Kuan Yuan, resonating in my subconscious mind, was interrupted by the young man in army fatigues. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” the bespectacled young man in crew-cut shouted “move in and make yourself comfortable! There is…