(Week 47)
A week after the weak chicks cried without a voice, the industry of the parents (and the scale of the grub) and the size of the nestlings have increased exponentially. The parent looks a little worn around the edges, but the pace of creation hurtles along towards the next major milestone – the first flight!

The parents have emerged, as both take turns to feed the nestlings and to keep the nest warm. Here, a parent keeps a moment of vigilance on surrounding intruders before disappearing into the depths of the well-camouflaged nest in the bush. This is the crucial period for survival – humans can only keep a watchful eye from the distance and gaze in awe.

(Week 46)
The eggs of Week 45 came alive today(?) on Good Friday. The nestlings were too young (and weak) to even make a sound – but how vigorous were their zest for grub!