In this short selection, I am drawn this Sunday after Christmas, by the Cacophony of the Trivial, a collation of ramshackle untidy exhibits, curated on a placid Day of Rest, even as the world is on the brink of yet another mutant attack, amidst a mega tug-of-war between vaccines and live mRNAs. though Earth is by no means reeling from the anticipation.
Mother Earth is in fact busy about her business, the Sunbird clothed in the golden rays of the morning, perched on a sawn-off branch while a slender nettle of thorns adorn her neck like a pole delicately balanced on a tight-rope. The leafy red spinach (Basella alba ‘Rubra’) meanders its way around the pot mix, as the rain from the previous day’s downpour subsides in the gutter of soil, and an old unseated rattan lays witness to the eager stems of yet more plants peep into being on a sun-bathed alchemist’s bench.
What is this prose but confetti, intruding on Nature’s parade – ever so eager to please – but not for the trivial pursuits of man, just for its patient Creator.
Lumix G85, M Zuiko 75-300 mm, Singapore December 2020